Japanese girls. Pretty, little Japanese schoolgirls. Pretty, little Japanese schoolgirls, butchering the shit out of each other. Japanese schoolgirls are like donuts - all covered in sugar, and they make Homer go "Mmmm..."
Have you seen Battle Royale yet? You should: 20 sugar-coated Japanese school girls, 20 other characters who were not Japanese school girls (who cares, right?), Takeshi Kitano (Zatoichi, and more importantly Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence), one island, three days. Last one alive is allowed to go back home.
On second thought, maybe it isn't for everyone.
I watched the movie, and I kept thinking, damn, you Japanese are so messed up. Why do you scream all the time? Why can't your movies have proper endings? For that matter, why can't the stories make any sense? What's with the "explanatory" flashbacks at the end, that only make things weirder? Why do your girls stop wearing those hot school outfits when the finally reach legal age?
Anyway, I give it 4 stars on the iDoc scale. The fourth star is not for strong plot, if you get my meaning, but they earned it. Apparently there's an American remake coming out next year. What are they going to do? Put the Olson twins in it? Ooh, maybe they will bring the original actresses. They should be about 20 years old by now.
Oh, Noriko, I would totally save you for last.
But if that Mitsuko chick shows up, we're history, you know?
I've been postponing the Hawaii pictures for three weeks, but as soon as I see a minor covered in blood, I can't wait to post it. I'm sure this surprises no-one who knows me.