OK, tired of writing, and you're not reading anyway. Pichurs!
The Red vs. Blue guys. They're funny and nice and great guys. RvB is great.
Maybe I'll let you watch the DVDs I bougt from them. My signed DVDs. Or maybe I won't.

Troopers troopers everywhere.

Getting closer to the pretty ladies. This is Terry Moore, write of Strangers in Paradise. SiP precisely the type of comic you'd never expect me to read. I'd never expect me to read something like it. I certainly wouldn't expect to find myself completely hooked on it. It's about two chicks, one of whom is a beautiful lesbian ex-hit-woman and ex-hooker. OK, maybe it is just the sort of thing you'd expect me to read.
Seriously, though. I love it. For the story!
And the lesbian sex. And here's Terry giving me the horns.

This here is not just a toilet paper holder I saw in mid-crap. This here is a Rollmaster 3000, and it amused me to no end.

Our first hotty of the day: Batgirl (from the 60's TV show, not the lame movie)

Richard Mayhew, the guy in the Chewbacca suit. I couldn't get a better picture, because I think he was charging for pictures.

Noel Neill, who played Lois Lane in the 1940's Superman TV show. Was that name some agent's smart idea?
The 40's Superman you see in the picture is George Reeves. And if that's not cosmic, I don't know what is (you know what I'm talking about, right? Please tell me you know)

Whoppa! Now we're getting somewhere.
There were eight booths at the rear corner of the convention hall where these, uh, ladies were selling photos, and posing with drooling fans.
You know how they say it's all Photoshop and nobody's that hot in reality? They don't know shit. Them chicks is HOT.
I grabbed these two pictures of Tiffany Taylor (Miss November 98) Justine Joli from a distance, because I was just too embarrassed to come close and ask them to look at me for a sec.

After orbiting them for like 6 hours, I managed to gather the nerve to ask Justine if I could take a picture and she said sorry, it's $20. THEN I was embarrassed.
I moved away and tried to take some more pictures while hidden in the crowd. You know, for journalistic purposes. But I felt like a criminal for trying to get them for free and couldn't take a single shot. I felt like everyone was watching me, which is as funny as it is pathetic - these women around me, and I think people are looking at me.
On the thirtieth time I passed by her booth, Linda Tran started to chat me up. Not that I was able to speak or anything. She seemed very nice for a person who wants to steal my innocence and destroy my immortal soul.
She gave me her card. Maybe I'll call.
Stormtrooper Elvis. Didn't we meet at ComicCom?
I took this picture while waiting in line to get my Dark Knight books signed by Frank Miller.

Yes, that's FRANK MILLER signing MY Dark Night book, and my #1 Adventures of Batman and Robin.
And that's me, getting ready to kiss him on the lips.

Zatana was behind me in line. 'Sup?

Warsies do the best costumes.

I don't need to know what you're dressed as to take your picture. I just need to like you.

Green Lantern and Freakazoid and their stuffed underwear.

Kids are always cool. And beards sticking from under helmets.

Miss Croft. Always welcome where nerds congregate.

And that's just the first half of day 2. More soon.
The Red vs. Blue guys. They're funny and nice and great guys. RvB is great.
Maybe I'll let you watch the DVDs I bougt from them. My signed DVDs. Or maybe I won't.
Troopers troopers everywhere.
Getting closer to the pretty ladies. This is Terry Moore, write of Strangers in Paradise. SiP precisely the type of comic you'd never expect me to read. I'd never expect me to read something like it. I certainly wouldn't expect to find myself completely hooked on it. It's about two chicks, one of whom is a beautiful lesbian ex-hit-woman and ex-hooker. OK, maybe it is just the sort of thing you'd expect me to read.
Seriously, though. I love it. For the story!
And the lesbian sex. And here's Terry giving me the horns.
This here is not just a toilet paper holder I saw in mid-crap. This here is a Rollmaster 3000, and it amused me to no end.
Our first hotty of the day: Batgirl (from the 60's TV show, not the lame movie)
Richard Mayhew, the guy in the Chewbacca suit. I couldn't get a better picture, because I think he was charging for pictures.
Noel Neill, who played Lois Lane in the 1940's Superman TV show. Was that name some agent's smart idea?
The 40's Superman you see in the picture is George Reeves. And if that's not cosmic, I don't know what is (you know what I'm talking about, right? Please tell me you know)
Whoppa! Now we're getting somewhere.
There were eight booths at the rear corner of the convention hall where these, uh, ladies were selling photos, and posing with drooling fans.
You know how they say it's all Photoshop and nobody's that hot in reality? They don't know shit. Them chicks is HOT.
I grabbed these two pictures of Tiffany Taylor (Miss November 98) Justine Joli from a distance, because I was just too embarrassed to come close and ask them to look at me for a sec.
After orbiting them for like 6 hours, I managed to gather the nerve to ask Justine if I could take a picture and she said sorry, it's $20. THEN I was embarrassed.
I moved away and tried to take some more pictures while hidden in the crowd. You know, for journalistic purposes. But I felt like a criminal for trying to get them for free and couldn't take a single shot. I felt like everyone was watching me, which is as funny as it is pathetic - these women around me, and I think people are looking at me.
On the thirtieth time I passed by her booth, Linda Tran started to chat me up. Not that I was able to speak or anything. She seemed very nice for a person who wants to steal my innocence and destroy my immortal soul.
She gave me her card. Maybe I'll call.
Stormtrooper Elvis. Didn't we meet at ComicCom?
I took this picture while waiting in line to get my Dark Knight books signed by Frank Miller.
Yes, that's FRANK MILLER signing MY Dark Night book, and my #1 Adventures of Batman and Robin.
And that's me, getting ready to kiss him on the lips.
Zatana was behind me in line. 'Sup?
Warsies do the best costumes.
I don't need to know what you're dressed as to take your picture. I just need to like you.
Green Lantern and Freakazoid and their stuffed underwear.
Kids are always cool. And beards sticking from under helmets.
Miss Croft. Always welcome where nerds congregate.
And that's just the first half of day 2. More soon.
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