Monday, July 23, 2007

More than Meets the Eye

So what, She's partying with mom in LA, and I'm supposed to stay home and cry myself to sleep in front of Red vs. Blue? Hell no. I went to watch Transoformers.


Not not just partial ass. Total ass. There was no ass left unkicked. None.

I can already tell, this is going to be one of those total adrenaline-rush posts where you can't really follow what I'm saying because I'm so totally EXCITED!

It's, like, everything I could hope this movie would be, and then lots more. It's just, just, perfection. The robot designs are incredible, the noises were just right, the transformation effects are SO much cooler than you think, the "dialog" was a wonderful mix of classic Transformers quotes text that actually served the story, such as it was, and most of the old friends were there (no Soundwave, unfortunately. I'm a big Soundwave fan).

I wish someone had a camera to shoot my face during the first 30 minutes of the film, which were some of the most enjoyable minutes I've had in a movie theater (obviously, I've never dated Alanis), and I would then upload them and you wouldn't believe that weren't Photoshopped, because I'm, like, all wide eyes and open mouth going "wow". Yes, I'm totally channeling Laarni. A bit.

Speaking of Laarni, I really wish I'd listened to her viewing tips more carefully. About half way into my Coke, I remembered that she said NOT to get one, because it's a long ass movie, and you don't want to miss any of it. Too late - I was twisting in my seat the entire second half of the movie.

More wishes. I wish that the same person who had that camera would have then used the camera to smash the face of the guy sitting next to me into a thick dark red cereal. He was the loudest, most obnoxious asshole I've seen since that stupid bleached ho that kept answering her phone during the The Two Towers.

But anyway. Transformers - the most fun a guy can have when his wife is out of town.

Megan Fox (thanks Maxim!), though - dangerously close to crossing that "fun" line.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Trip Photos!

The Wife and Her Mother flew to LA this morning, and I had to wake up at 6:30am to drive them to the airport, which turned out to be a good thing – I was home by 8:00, all ready to dive into Bachelor Sunday. And oh, what a Sunday it is turning out to be!

The pants came off before the door was closed behind me, and the music, man music, came on almost as quickly. This whole remote-control-for-the-computer thing is definitely a keeper.

What to do with all this freedom? What to do??? I finally watched Layer Cake , which I found highly enjoyable (notice that the “highly” is in italics, which pushes it up a notch). I’m a total Daniel Craig fan now. Wasn’t Casio Royale great? I’ve practically given up on Bond films, but Daniel Craig is just what the series needed. Of course, Eva Green didn’t hurt either. Not one bit.

The Layer Cake disk had the Kung Fu Husle trailer on it, which reminded me, WHY HAVEN’T YOU SEEN IT YET? Fun kung fu scenes, dancing psychopathic gangsters, a hero that needs to be discover himself, and a cute girl that just may be his. I laughed, I cried, I clapped my hands with joy, and then I laughed more. Whee!

Cleaned up the living room a bit, and made lunch. Trader Joe’s instant couscous, topped with eggs over easy, with Costco sweet rolls on the side. The lunch of kings!

Apres-lunch, I started re-watching Red vs. Blue from the beginning. If you happen to be my downstairs neighbor, I’m sorry I was laughing so hard with the windows open, but it was too nice outside to turn on the AC. If you’re my upstairs neighbors, you should know that having your windows closed didn’t quite keep your private acts private, but it was good to know that I’m not the only one enjoying the weekend. Sounded like your lunch was way, way, better than mine. Thanks for sharing, guys!

Enough with this crap, let’s see some colors! I finally sorted through the 1500 Alaska pictures and the ones worth viewing are up. It will be years before I properly sort all the Hawaii pictures, so just head over to the Picasa page and go through some stuff the what we happened to upload while we were still in Hawaii.

I just looked at some of the pictures again, and I just can't believe we went to such beautiful places. We so rock.

The music shuffle is playing Teenage Dirtbag. Where do I even have that song from?